Friday, June 20, 2008

Kansas City Here we Come!!!

Seven students (and four advisors) from St. Clair TEC will be traveling to Kansas City, Missouri for the SkillsUSA national competition next week. Students competed in local, regional and state competitions throughout the school year. Winners from the state competition get the chance to compete against students from across the nation for a week in Kansas City.

Stay tuned here as document our trip to the national competition!


Pat said...


Thanks for putting this Blog up for those of us that won't be able to attend. We will look forward to following along from here in Michigan. Good Luck TEC Students!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for keeping us updated. We are very proud of each of the competitors and anxiously awaiting the results.
To the competitors, remember no matter what the outcome you are all WINNERS!
To Nick..... Best of Luck,,,, I know you can do this!!!